1 module bindbc.raylib.bind.core;
3 import bindbc.raylib.config;
4 import bindbc.raylib.types;
6 version (BindRaylib_Static) {
7    extern (C) @nogc nothrow {
8    }
9 } else {
10    extern (C) @nogc nothrow {
11       /**
12        * Initialize window and OpenGL context
13        */
14       alias pInitWindow = void function(int width, int height, const(char)* title);
15       /**
16        * Check if KEY_ESCAPE pressed or Close icon pressed
17        */
18       alias pWindowShouldClose = bool function();
19       /**
20        * Close window and unload OpenGL context
21        */
22       alias pCloseWindow = void function();
24       /**
25        * Check if window has been initialized successfully
26        */
27       alias pIsWindowReady = bool function();
28       /**
29        * Check if window has been minimized (or lost focus)
30        */
31       alias pIsWindowMinimized = bool function();
32       /**
33        * Check if window has been resized
34        */
35       alias pIsWindowResized = bool function();
36       /**
37        * Check if window is currently hidden
38        */
39       alias pIsWindowHidden = bool function();
40       /**
41        * Check if window is currently fullscreen
42        */
43       alias pIsWindowFullScreen = bool function();
48       /**
49        * Toggle fullscreen mode (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
50        */
51       alias pToggleFullscreen = void function();
52       /**
53        * Show the window
54        */
55       alias pUnhideWindow = void function();
56       /**
57        * Hide the window
58        */
59       alias pHideWindow = void function();
60       /**
61        * Set icon for window (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
62        */
63       alias pSetWindowIcon = void function(Image image);
64       /**
65        * Set title for window (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
66        */
67       alias pSetWindowTitle = void function(const(char)* title);
68       /**
69        * Set window position on screen (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
70        */
71       alias pSetWindowPosition = void function(int x, int y);
72       /**
73        * Set monitor for the current window (fullscreen mode)
74        */
75       alias pSetWindowMonitor = void function(int monitor);
76       /**
77        * Set window minimum dimensions (for FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE)
78        */
79       alias pSetWindowMinSize = void function(int width, int height);
80       /**
81        * Set window dimensions
82        */
83       alias pSetWindowSize = void function(int width, int height);
84       /**
85        * Get native window handle
86        */
87       alias pGetWindowHandle = void* function();
88       /**
89        * Get current screen width
90        */
91       alias pGetScreenWidth = int function();
92       /**
93        * Get current screen height
94        */
95       alias pGetScreenHeight = int function();
96       /**
97        * Get number of connected monitors
98        */
99       alias pGetMonitorCount = int function();
100       /**
101        * Get primary monitor width
102        */
103       alias pGetMonitorWidth = int function(int monitor);
104       /**
105        * Get primary monitor height
106        */
107       alias pGetMonitorHeight = int function(int monitor);
108       /**
109        * Get primary monitor physical width in millimetres
110        */
111       alias pGetMonitorPhysicalWidth = int function(int monitor);
112       /**
113        * Get primary monitor physical height in millimetres
114        */
115       alias pGetMonitorPhysicalHeight = int function(int monitor);
116       /**
117        * Get window position XY on monitor
118        */
119       alias pGetWindowPosition = Vector2 function();
120       /**
121        * Get the human-readable, UTF-8 encoded name of the primary monitor
122        */
123       alias pGetMonitorName = const(char)* function(int monitor);
124       /**
125        * Get clipboard text content
126        */
127       alias pGetClipboardText = const(char)* function();
128       /**
129        * Set clipboard text content
130        */
131       alias pSetClipboardText = void function(const(char)* text);
133       /**
134        * Shows cursor
135        */
136       alias pShowCursor = void function();
137       /**
138        * Hides cursor
139        */
140       alias pHideCursor = void function();
141       /**
142        * Check if cursor is not visible
143        */
144       alias pIsCursorHidden = bool function();
145       /**
146        * Enables cursor (unlock cursor)
147        */
148       alias pEnableCursor = void function();
149       /**
150        * Disables cursor (lock cursor)
151        */
152       alias pDisableCursor = void function();
154       /**
155        * Set background color (framebuffer clear color)
156        */
157       alias pClearBackground = void function(Color color);
158       /**
159        * Setup canvas (framebuffer) to start drawing
160        */
161       alias pBeginDrawing = void function();
162       /**
163        * End canvas drawing and swap buffers (double buffering)
164        */
165       alias pEndDrawing = void function();
166       /**
167        * Initialize 2D mode with custom camera (2D)
168        */
169       alias pBeginMode2D = void function(Camera2D camera);
170       /**
171        * Ends 2D mode with custom camera
172        */
173       alias pEndMode2D = void function();
174       /**
175        * Initializes 3D mode with custom camera (3D)
176        */
177       alias pBeginMode3D = void function(Camera3D camera);
178       /**
179        * Ends 3D mode and returns to default 2D orthographic mode
180        */
181       alias pEndMode3D = void function();
182       /**
183        * Initializes render texture for drawing
184        */
185       alias pBeginTextureMode = void function(RenderTexture2D target);
186       /**
187        * Ends drawing to render texture
188        */
189       alias pEndTextureMode = void function();
190       /**
191        * Begin scissor mode (define screen area for following drawing)
192        */
193       alias pBeginScissorMode = void function(int x, int y, int width, int height);
194       /**
195        * End scissor mode
196        */
197       alias pEndScissorMode = void function();
198       /**
199        * Returns a ray trace from mouse position
200        */
201       alias pGetMouseRay = Ray function(Vector2 mousePosition, Camera camera);
202       /**
203        * Returns camera transform matrix (view matrix)
204        */
205       alias pGetCameraMatrix = Matrix function(Camera camera);
206       /**
207        * Returns camera 2d transform matrix
208        */
209       alias pGetCameraMatrix2D = Matrix function(Camera2D camera);
210       /**
211        * Returns the screen space position for a 3d world space position
212        */
213       alias pGetWorldToScreen = Vector2 function(Vector3 position, Camera camera);
214       /**
215        * Returns size position for a 3d world space position
216        */
217       alias pGetWorldToScreenEx = Vector2 function(Vector3 position, Camera camera, int width, int height);
218       /**
219        * Returns the screen space position for a 2d camera world space position
220        */
221       alias pGetWorldToScreen2D = Vector2 function(Vector2 position, Camera2D camera);
222       /**
223        * Returns the world space position for a 2d camera screen space position
224        */
225       alias pGetScreenToWorld2D = Vector2 function(Vector2 position, Camera2D camera);
227       /**
228        * Set target FPS (maximum)
229        */
230       alias pSetTargetFPS = void function(int fps);
231       /**
232        * Returns current FPS
233        */
234       alias pGetFPS = int function();
235       /**
236        * Returns time in seconds for last frame drawn
237        */
238       alias pGetFrameTime = float function();
239       /**
240        * Returns elapsed time in seconds since InitWindow()
241        */
242       alias pGetTime = double function();
244       /**
245        * Returns hexadecimal value for a Color
246        */
247       alias pColorToInt = int function(Color color);
248       /**
249        * Returns color normalized as float [0..1]
250        */
251       alias pColorNormalize = Vector4 function(Color color);
252       /**
253        * Returns color from normalized values [0..1]
254        */
255       alias pColorFromNormalized = Color function(Vector4 normalized);
256       /**
257        * Returns HSV values for a Color
258        */
259       alias pColorToHSV = Vector3 function(Color color);
260       /**
261        * Returns a Color from HSV values
262        */
263       alias pColorFromHSV = Color function(Vector3 hsv);
264       /**
265        * Returns a Color struct from hexadecimal value
266        */
267       alias pGetColor = Color function(int hexValue);
268       /**
269        * Color fade-in or fade-out, alpha goes from 0.0f to 1.0f
270        */
271       alias pFade = Color function(Color color, float alpha);
273       /**
274        * Setup window configuration flags (view FLAGS)
275        */
276       alias pSetConfigFlags = void function(uint flags);
277       /**
278        * Takes a screenshot of current screen (saved a .png)
279        */
280       alias pTakeScreenshot = void function(const(char)* fileName);
282       // Files management functions
283       // Use D func!
285       /**
286        * Check if file exists
287        */
288       alias pFileExists = bool function(const(char)* fileName);
289       /**
290        * Check file extension
291        */
292       alias pIsFileExtension = bool function(const(char)* fileName, const(char)* ext);
293       /**
294        * Check if a directory path exists
295        */
296       alias pDirectoryExists = bool function(const(char)* dirPath);
297       /**
298        * Get pointer to extension for a filename string
299        */
300       alias pGetExtension = const(char)* function(const(char)* fileName);
301       /**
302        * Get pointer to filename for a path string
303        */
304       alias pGetFileName = const(char)* function(const(char)* filePath);
305       /**
306        * Get filename string without extension (uses static string)
307        */
308       alias pGetFileNameWithoutExt = const(char)* function(const(char)* filePath);
309       /**
310        * Get full path for a given fileName with path (uses static string)
311        */
312       alias pGetDirectoryPath = const(char)* function(const(char)* filePath);
313       /**
314        * Get previous directory path for a given path (uses static string)
315        */
316       alias pGetPrevDirectoryPath = const(char)* function(const(char)* dirPath);
317       /**
318        * Get current working directory (uses static string)
319        */
320       alias pGetWorkingDirectory = const(char)* function();
321       /**
322        * Get filenames in a directory path (memory should be freed)
323        */
324       alias pGetDirectoryFiles = char* function(const(char)* dirPath, int* count);
325       /**
326        * Clear directory files paths buffers (free memory)
327        */
328       alias pClearDirectoryFiles = void function();
329       /**
330        * Change working directory, returns true if success
331        */
332       alias pChangeDirectory = bool function(const(char)* dir);
333       /**
334        * Check if a file has been dropped into window
335        */
336       alias pIsFileDropped = bool function();
337       /**
338        * Get dropped files names (memory should be freed)
339        */
340       alias pGetDroppedFiles = char** function(int* count);
341       /**
342        * Clear dropped files paths buffer (free memory)
343        */
344       alias pClearDroppedFiles = void function();
345       /**
346        * Get file modification time (last write time)/
347        */
348       alias pGetFileModTime = long function(const(char)* fileName);
350       //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
351       // Input Handling Functions
352       //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
354       /**
355        * Detect if a key has been pressed once
356        */
357       alias pIsKeyPressed = bool function(int key);
358       /**
359        * Detect if a key is being pressed
360        */
361       alias pIsKeyDown = bool function(int key);
362       /**
363        * Detect if a key has been released once
364        */
365       alias pIsKeyReleased = bool function(int key);
366       /**
367        * Detect if a key is NOT being pressed
368        */
369       alias pIsKeyUp = bool function(int key);
370       /**
371        * Get latest key pressed
372        */
373       alias pGetKeyPressed = int function();
374       /**
375        * Set a custom key to exit program (default is ESC)
376        */
377       alias pSetExitKey = void function(int key);
379       // Input-related functions: gamepads
380       /**
381        * Detect if a gamepad is available
382        */
383       alias pIsGamepadAvailable = bool function(int gamepad);
384       /**
385        * Check gamepad name (if available)
386        */
387       alias pIsGamepadName = bool function(int gamepad, const(char)* name);
388       /**
389        * Return gamepad internal name id
390        */
391       alias pGetNamepadName = const(char)* function(int gamepad);
392       /**
393        * Detect if a gamepad button has been pressed once
394        */
395       alias pIsGamepadButtonPressed = bool function(int gamepad, int button);
396       /**
397        * Detect if a gamepad button is being pressed
398        */
399       alias pIsGamepadButtonDown = bool function(int gamepad, int button);
400       /**
401        * Detect if a gamepad button has been released once
402        */
403       alias pIsGamepadButtonReleased = bool function(int gamepad, int button);
404       /**
405        * Detect if a gamepad button is NOT being pressed
406        */
407       alias pIsGamepadButtonUp = bool function(int gamepad, int button);
408       /**
409        * Get the last gamepad button pressed
410        */
411       alias pGetGamepadButtonPressed = int function();
412       /**
413        * Return gamepad axis count for a gamepad
414        */
415       alias pGetGamepadAxisCount = int function(int gamepad);
416       /**
417        * Return axis movement value for a gamepad axis
418        */
419       alias pGetGamepadAxisMovement = float function(int gamepad, int axis);
421       // Input-related functions: mouse
422       /**
423        * Detect if a mouse button has been pressed once
424        */
425       alias pIsMouseButtonPressed = bool function(int button);
426       /**
427        * Detect if a mouse button is being pressed
428        */
429       alias pIsMouseButtonDown = bool function(int button);
430       /**
431        * Detect if a mouse button has been released once
432        */
433       alias pIsMouseButtonReleased = bool function(int button);
434       /**
435        * Detect if a mouse button is NOT being pressed
436        */
437       alias pIsMouseButtonUp = bool function(int button);
438       /**
439        * Returns mouse position X
440        */
441       alias pGetMouseX = int function();
442       /**
443        * Returns mouse position Y
444        */
445       alias pGetMouseY = int function();
446       /**
447        * Returns mouse position XY
448        */
449       alias pGetMousePosition = Vector2 function();
450       /**
451        * Set mouse position XY
452        */
453       alias pSetMousePosition = void function(int x, int y);
454       /**
455        * Set mouse offset
456        */
457       alias pSetMouseOffset = void function(int offsetX, int offsetY);
458       /**
459        * Set mouse scaling
460        */
461       alias pSetMouseScale = void function(float scaleX, float scaleY);
462       /**
463        * Returns mouse wheel movement Y
464        */
465       alias pGetMouseWheelMove = int function();
467       // Input-related functions: touch
468       /**
469        * Returns touch position X for touch point 0 (relative to screen size)
470        */
471       alias pGetTouchX = int function();
472       /**
473        * Returns touch position Y for touch point 0 (relative to screen size)
474        */
475       alias pGetTouchY = int function();
476       /**
477        * Returns touch position XY for a touch point index (relative to screen size)
478        */
479       alias pGetTouchPosition = Vector2 function(int index);
481       //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
482       // Gestures and Touch Handling Functions (Module: gestures)
483       //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
484       /**
485        * Enable a set of gestures using flags
486        */
487       alias pSetGesturesEnabled = void function(uint gestureFlags);
488       /**
489        * Check if a gesture have been detected
490        */
491       alias pIsGestureDetected = bool function(int gesture);
492       /**
493        * Get latest detected gesture
494        */
495       alias pGetGestureDetected = int function();
496       /**
497        * Get touch points count
498        */
499       alias pGetTouchPointsCount = int function();
500       /**
501        * Get gesture hold time in milliseconds
502        */
503       alias pGetGestureHoldDuration = float function();
504       /**
505        * Get gesture drag vector
506        */
507       alias pGetGestureDragVector = Vector2 function();
508       /**
509        * Get gesture drag angle
510        */
511       alias pGetGestureDragAngle = float function();
512       /**
513        * Get gesture pinch delta
514        */
515       alias pGetGesturePinchVector = Vector2 function();
516       /**
517        * Get gesture pinch angle
518        */
519       alias pGetGesturePinchAngle = float function();
521       //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
522       // Camera System Functions (Module: camera)
523       //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
524       /**
525        * Set camera mode (multiple camera modes available)
526        */
527       alias pSetCameraMode = void function(Camera camera, int mode);
528       /**
529        * Update camera position for selected mode
530        */
531       alias pUpdateCamera = void function(Camera* camera);
532       /**
533        * Set camera pan key to combine with mouse movement (free camera)
534        */
535       alias pSetCameraPanControl = void function(int panKey);
536       /**
537        * Set camera alt key to combine with mouse movement (free camera)
538        */
539       alias pSetCameraAltControl = void function(int altKey);
540       /**
541        * Set camera smooth zoom key to combine with mouse (free camera)
542        */
543       alias pSetCameraSmoothZoomControl = void function(int szKey);
544       /**
545        * Set camera move controls (1st person and 3rd person cameras)
546        */
547       alias pSetCameraMoveControls = void function(int frontKey, int backKey, int rightKey, int leftKey, int upKey, int downKey);
548    }
550    __gshared {
551       pInitWindow InitWindow;
552       pWindowShouldClose WindowShouldClose;
553       pCloseWindow CloseWindow;
554       pIsWindowReady IsWindowReady;
555       pIsWindowMinimized IsWindowMinimized;
556       pIsWindowResized IsWindowResized;
557       pIsWindowHidden IsWindowHidden;
558       pIsWindowFullScreen IsWindowFullscreen;
559       pToggleFullscreen ToggleFullscreen;
560       pUnhideWindow UnhideWindow;
561       pHideWindow HideWindow;
562       pSetWindowIcon SetWindowIcon;
563       pSetWindowTitle SetWindowTitle;
564       pSetWindowPosition SetWindowPosition;
565       pSetWindowMonitor SetWindowMonitor;
566       pSetWindowMinSize SetWindowMinSize;
567       pSetWindowSize SetWindowSize;
568       pGetWindowHandle GetWindowHandle;
569       pGetScreenWidth GetScreenWidth;
570       pGetScreenHeight GetScreenHeight;
571       pGetMonitorCount GetMonitorCount;
572       pGetMonitorWidth GetMonitorWidth;
573       pGetMonitorHeight GetMonitorHeight;
574       pGetMonitorPhysicalWidth GetMonitorPhysicalWidth;
575       pGetMonitorPhysicalHeight GetMonitorPhysicalHeight;
576       pGetWindowPosition GetWindowPosition;
577       pGetMonitorName GetMonitorName;
578       pGetClipboardText GetClipboardText;
579       pSetClipboardText SetClipboardText;
580       pShowCursor ShowCursor;
581       pHideCursor HideCursor;
582       pIsCursorHidden IsCursorHidden;
583       pEnableCursor EnableCursor;
584       pDisableCursor DisableCursor;
586       pClearBackground ClearBackground;
587       pBeginDrawing BeginDrawing;
588       pEndDrawing EndDrawing;
589       pBeginMode2D BeginMode2D;
590       pEndMode2D EndMode2D;
591       pBeginMode3D BeginMode3D;
592       pEndMode3D EndMode3D;
593       pBeginTextureMode BeginTextureMode;
594       pEndTextureMode EndTextureMode;
595       pBeginScissorMode BeginScissorMode;
596       pEndScissorMode EndScissorMode;
598       pGetMouseRay GetMouseRay;
599       pGetCameraMatrix GetCameraMatrix;
600       pGetCameraMatrix2D GetCameraMatrix2D;
601       pGetWorldToScreen GetWorldToScreen;
602       pGetWorldToScreenEx GetWorldToScreenEx;
603       pGetWorldToScreen2D GetWorldToScreen2D;
604       pGetScreenToWorld2D GetScreenToWorld2D;
606       pSetTargetFPS SetTargetFPS;
607       pGetFPS GetFPS;
608       pGetFrameTime GetFrameTime;
609       pGetTime GetTime;
611       pColorToInt ColorToInt;
612       pColorNormalize ColorNormalize;
613       pColorFromNormalized ColorFromNormalized;
614       pColorToHSV ColorToHSV;
615       pColorFromHSV ColorFromHSV;
616       pGetColor GetColor;
617       pFade Fade;
619       // Misc. functions
620       pSetConfigFlags SetConfigFlags;
621       pTakeScreenshot TakeScreenshot;
623       pFileExists FileExists;
624       pIsFileExtension IsFileExtension;
625       pDirectoryExists DirectoryExists;
626       pGetExtension GetExtension;
627       pGetFileName GetFileName;
628       pGetFileNameWithoutExt GetFileNameWithoutExt;
629       pGetDirectoryPath GetDirectoryPath;
630       pGetPrevDirectoryPath GetPrevDirectoryPath;
631       pGetWorkingDirectory GetWorkingDirectory;
632       pGetDirectoryFiles GetDirectoryFiles;
633       pClearDirectoryFiles ClearDirectoryFiles;
634       pChangeDirectory ChangeDirectory;
635       pIsFileDropped IsFileDropped;
636       pGetDroppedFiles GetDroppedFiles;
637       pClearDroppedFiles ClearDroppedFiles;
638       pGetFileModTime GetFileModTime;
640       pIsKeyPressed IsKeyPressed;
641       pIsKeyDown IsKeyDown;
642       pIsKeyReleased IsKeyReleased;
643       pIsKeyUp IsKeyUp;
644       pGetKeyPressed GetKeyPressed;
645       pSetExitKey SetExitKey;
647       // Input-related functions: gamepads
648       pIsGamepadAvailable IsGamepadAvailable;
649       pIsGamepadName IsGamepadName;
650       pIsGamepadButtonPressed IsGamepadButtonPressed;
651       pIsGamepadButtonDown IsGamepadButtonDown;
652       pIsGamepadButtonReleased IsGamepadButtonReleased;
653       pIsGamepadButtonUp IsGamepadButtonUp;
654       pGetGamepadButtonPressed GetGamepadButtonPressed;
655       pGetGamepadAxisCount GetGamepadAxisCount;
656       pGetGamepadAxisMovement GetGamepadAxisMovement;
658       // Input-related functions: mouse
659       pIsMouseButtonPressed IsMouseButtonPressed;
660       pIsMouseButtonDown IsMouseButtonDown;
661       pIsMouseButtonReleased IsMouseButtonReleased;
662       pIsMouseButtonUp IsMouseButtonUp;
663       pGetMouseX GetMouseX;
664       pGetMouseY GetMouseY;
665       pGetMousePosition GetMousePosition;
666       pSetMousePosition SetMousePosition;
667       pSetMouseOffset SetMouseOffset;
668       pSetMouseScale SetMouseScale;
669       pGetMouseWheelMove GetMouseWheelMove;
671       pGetTouchX GetTouchX;
672       pGetTouchY GetTouchY;
673       pGetTouchPosition GetTouchPosition;
675       pSetGesturesEnabled SetGesturesEnabled;
676       pIsGestureDetected IsGestureDetected;
677       pGetGestureDetected GetGestureDetected;
678       pGetTouchPointsCount GetTouchPointsCount;
679       pGetGestureHoldDuration GetGestureHoldDuration;
680       pGetGestureDragVector GetGestureDragVector;
681       pGetGestureDragAngle GetGestureDragAngle;
682       pGetGesturePinchVector GetGesturePinchVector;
683       pGetGesturePinchAngle GetGesturePinchAngle;
685       pSetCameraMode SetCameraMode;
686       pUpdateCamera UpdateCamera;
687       pSetCameraPanControl SetCameraPanControl;
688       pSetCameraAltControl SetCameraAltControl;
689       pSetCameraSmoothZoomControl SetCameraSmoothZoomControl;
690       pSetCameraMoveControls SetCameraMoveControls;
691    }
693    static if (raylibSupport >= RaylibSupport.raylib300_70) {
694       extern (C) @nogc nothrow {
695          /**
696           * Get window scale DPI factor
697           */
698          alias pGetWindowScaleDPI = Vector2 function();
699          /**
700           * Check if window has been focused
701           */
702          alias pIsWindowFocused = bool function();
703       }
704       __gshared {
705          pGetWindowScaleDPI GetWindowScaleDPI;
706          pIsWindowFocused IsWindowFocused;
707       }
708    }
709 }