1 /**
2  *  Basic geometric 3D shapes drawing functions
3  */
4 module bindbc.raylib.bind.rlgl;
6 import bindbc.raylib.config;
7 import bindbc.raylib.types;
9 version (BindRaylib_Static) {
10    extern (C) @nogc nothrow {
11    }
12 } else {
13    extern (C) @nogc nothrow {
14       //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15       // Functions Declaration - Matrix operations
16       //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17       alias prlMatrixMode = void function(int mode); // Choose the current matrix to be transformed
18       alias prlPushMatrix = void function(); // Push the current matrix to stack
19       alias prlPopMatrix = void function(); // Pop lattest inserted matrix from stack
20       alias prlLoadIdentity = void function(); // Reset current matrix to identity matrix
21       alias prlTranslatef = void function(float x, float y, float z); // Multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix
22       alias prlRotatef = void function(float angleDeg, float x, float y, float z); // Multiply the current matrix by a rotation matrix
23       alias prlScalef = void function(float x, float y, float z); // Multiply the current matrix by a scaling matrix
24       alias prlMultMatrixf = void function(float* matf); // Multiply the current matrix by another matrix
25       alias prlFrustum = void function(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double znear, double zfar);
26       alias prlOrtho = void function(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double znear, double zfar);
27       alias prlViewport = void function(int x, int y, int width, int height); // Set the viewport area
29       //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
30       // Functions Declaration - Vertex level operations
31       //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32       alias prlBegin = void function(int mode); // Initialize drawing mode (how to organize vertex)
33       alias prlEnd = void function(); // Finish vertex providing
34       alias prlVertex2i = void function(int x, int y); // Define one vertex (position) - 2 int
35       alias prlVertex2f = void function(float x, float y); // Define one vertex (position) - 2 float
36       alias prlVertex3f = void function(float x, float y, float z); // Define one vertex (position) - 3 float
37       alias prlTexCoord2f = void function(float x, float y); // Define one vertex (texture coordinate) - 2 float
38       alias prlNormal3f = void function(float x, float y, float z); // Define one vertex (normal) - 3 float
39       alias prlColor4ub = void function(char r, char g, char b, char a); // Define one vertex (color) - 4 byte
40       alias prlColor3f = void function(float x, float y, float z); // Define one vertex (color) - 3 float
41       alias prlColor4f = void function(float x, float y, float z, float w); // Define one vertex (color) - 4 float
43       //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
44       // Functions Declaration - OpenGL equivalent functions (common to 1.1, 3.3+, ES2)
45       // NOTE: This functions are used to completely abstract raylib code from OpenGL layer
46       //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
47       alias prlEnableTexture = void function(uint id); // Enable texture usage
48       alias prlDisableTexture = void function(); // Disable texture usage
49       alias prlTextureParameters = void function(uint id, int param, int value); // Set texture parameters (filter, wrap)
51       alias prlEnableDepthTest = void function(); // Enable depth test
52       alias prlDisableDepthTest = void function(); // Disable depth test
53       alias prlEnableBackfaceCulling = void function(); // Enable backface culling
54       alias prlDisableBackfaceCulling = void function(); // Disable backface culling
55       alias prlEnableScissorTest = void function(); // Enable scissor test
56       alias prlDisableScissorTest = void function(); // Disable scissor test
57       alias prlScissor = void function(int x, int y, int width, int height); // Scissor test
58       alias prlEnableWireMode = void function(); // Enable wire mode
59       alias prlDisableWireMode = void function(); // Disable wire mode
61       alias prlClearColor = void function(char r, char g, char b, char a); // Clear color buffer with color
62       alias prlClearScreenBuffers = void function(); // Clear used screen buffers (color and depth)
63       alias prlUpdateBuffer = void function(int bufferId, void* data, int dataSize); // Update GPU buffer with new data
64       alias prlLoadAttribBuffer = uint function(uint vaoId, int shaderLoc, void* buffer, int size, bool dynamic); // Load a new attributes buffer
66       //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
67       // Functions Declaration - rlgl functionality
68       //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
69       alias prlglInit = void function(int width, int height); // Initialize rlgl (buffers, shaders, textures, states)
70       alias prlglClose = void function(); // De-inititialize rlgl (buffers, shaders, textures)
71       alias prlglDraw = void function(); // Update and draw default internal buffers
73       alias prlGetVersion = int function(); // Returns current OpenGL version
74       alias prlCheckBufferLimit = bool function(int vCount); // Check internal buffer overflow for a given number of vertex
75       alias prlSetDebugMarker = void function(const char* text); // Set debug marker for analysis
76       alias prlLoadExtensions = void function(void* loader); // Load OpenGL extensions
78       // Textures data management
79       alias prlLoadTexture = uint function(void* data, int width, int height, int format, int mipmapCount); // Load texture in GPU
80       alias prlLoadTextureCubemap = uint function(void* data, int size, int format); // Load texture cubemap
81       alias prlGetGlTextureFormats = void function(int format, uint* glInternalFormat, uint* glFormat, uint* glType); // Get OpenGL internal formats
82       alias prlUnloadTexture = void function(uint id); // Unload texture from GPU memory
84       alias prlGenerateMipmaps = void function(Texture2D* texture); // Generate mipmap data for selected texture
85       alias prlReadTexturePixels = void* function(Texture2D texture); // Read texture pixel data
86       alias prlReadScreenPixels = char* function(int width, int height); // Read screen pixel data (color buffer)
88       // Vertex data management
89       alias prlLoadMesh = void function(Mesh* mesh, bool dynamic); // Upload vertex data into GPU and provided VAO/VBO ids
90       alias prlUpdateMesh = void function(Mesh mesh, int buffer, int count); // Update vertex or index data on GPU (upload new data to one buffer)
91       alias prlUpdateMeshAt = void function(Mesh mesh, int buffer, int count, int index); // Update vertex or index data on GPU, at index
92       alias prlDrawMesh = void function(Mesh mesh, Material material, Matrix transform); // Draw a 3d mesh with material and transform
93       alias prlUnloadMesh = void function(Mesh mesh); // Unload mesh data from CPU and GPU
95    }
96    __gshared {
97       prlMatrixMode rlMatrixMode;
98       prlPushMatrix rlPushMatrix;
99       prlPopMatrix rlPopMatrix;
100       prlLoadIdentity rlLoadIdentity;
101       prlTranslatef rlTranslatef;
102       prlRotatef rlRotatef;
103       prlScalef rlScalef;
104       prlMultMatrixf rlMultMatrixf;
105       prlFrustum rlFrustum;
106       prlOrtho rlOrtho;
107       prlViewport rlViewport;
108       prlBegin rlBegin;
109       prlEnd rlEnd;
110       prlVertex2i rlVertex2i;
111       prlVertex2f rlVertex2f;
112       prlVertex3f rlVertex3f;
113       prlTexCoord2f rlTexCoord2f;
114       prlNormal3f rlNormal3f;
115       prlColor4ub rlColor4ub;
116       prlColor3f rlColor3f;
117       prlColor4f rlColor4f;
118       prlEnableTexture rlEnableTexture;
119       prlDisableTexture rlDisableTexture;
120       prlTextureParameters rlTextureParameters;
121       prlEnableDepthTest rlEnableDepthTest;
122       prlDisableDepthTest rlDisableDepthTest;
123       prlEnableBackfaceCulling rlEnableBackfaceCulling;
124       prlDisableBackfaceCulling rlDisableBackfaceCulling;
125       prlEnableScissorTest rlEnableScissorTest;
126       prlDisableScissorTest rlDisableScissorTest;
127       prlScissor rlScissor;
128       prlEnableWireMode rlEnableWireMode;
129       prlDisableWireMode rlDisableWireMode;
130       prlClearColor rlClearColor;
131       prlClearScreenBuffers rlClearScreenBuffers;
132       prlUpdateBuffer rlUpdateBuffer;
133       prlLoadAttribBuffer rlLoadAttribBuffer;
134       prlglInit rlglInit;
135       prlglClose rlglClose;
136       prlglDraw rlglDraw;
137       prlGetVersion rlGetVersion;
138       prlCheckBufferLimit rlCheckBufferLimit;
139       prlSetDebugMarker rlSetDebugMarker;
140       prlLoadExtensions rlLoadExtensions;
141       prlLoadTexture rlLoadTexture;
142       prlLoadTextureCubemap rlLoadTextureCubemap;
143       prlGetGlTextureFormats rlGetGlTextureFormats;
144       prlUnloadTexture rlUnloadTexture;
145       prlGenerateMipmaps rlGenerateMipmaps;
146       prlReadTexturePixels rlReadTexturePixels;
147       prlReadScreenPixels rlReadScreenPixels;
148       prlLoadMesh rlLoadMesh;
149       prlUpdateMesh rlUpdateMesh;
150       prlUpdateMeshAt rlUpdateMeshAt;
151       prlDrawMesh rlDrawMesh;
152       prlUnloadMesh rlUnloadMesh;
153    }
155    static if (raylibSupport > RaylibSupport.raylib300_70) {
156       extern (C) @nogc nothrow {
157          alias prlEnableShader = void function(uint id); // Enable shader program usage
158          alias prlDisableShader = void function(); // Disable shader program usage
159          alias prlEnableFramebuffer = void function(uint id); // Enable render texture (fbo)
160          alias prlDisableFramebuffer = void function(); // Disable render texture (fbo), return to default framebuffer
161          alias prlCheckErrors = void function(); // Check and log OpenGL error codes
162          alias prlSetBlendMode = void function(int glSrcFactor, int glDstFactor, int glEquation); // // Set blending mode factor and equation (using OpenGL factors)
163          alias prlLoadTextureDepth = uint function(int width, int height, bool useRenderBuffer); // Load depth texture/renderbuffer (to be attached to fbo)
164          alias prlUpdateTexture = void function(uint id, int offsetX, int offsetY, int width, int height, int format, const(void)* data); // Update GPU texture with new data
166          // Framebuffer management (fbo)
167          alias prlLoadFramebuffer = uint function(int width, int height); // Load an empty framebuffer
168          alias prlFramebufferAttach = void function(uint fboId, uint texId, int attachType, int texType); // Attach texture/renderbuffer to a framebuffer
169          alias prlFramebufferComplete = bool function(uint id); // Verify framebuffer is complete
170          alias prlUnloadFramebuffer = void function(uint id); // Delete framebuffer from GPU
171          alias prlDrawMeshInstanced = void function(Mesh mesh, Material material, Matrix* transforms, int count); // Draw a 3d mesh with material and transform
172       }
173       __gshared {
174          prlEnableShader rlEnableShader;
175          prlDisableShader rlDisableShader;
176          prlEnableFramebuffer rlEnableFramebuffer;
177          prlDisableFramebuffer rlDisableFramebuffer;
178          prlCheckErrors rlCheckErrors;
179          prlSetBlendMode rlSetBlendMode;
180          prlLoadTextureDepth rlLoadTextureDepth;
181          prlUpdateTexture rlUpdateTexture;
183          prlLoadFramebuffer rlLoadFramebuffer;
184          prlFramebufferAttach rlFramebufferAttach;
185          prlFramebufferComplete rlFramebufferComplete;
186          prlUnloadFramebuffer rlUnloadFramebuffer;
187          prlDrawMeshInstanced rlDrawMeshInstanced;
188       }
189    } else {
190       // 300, 300_70
191       extern (C) @nogc nothrow {
192          alias prlEnableRenderTexture = void function(uint id); // Enable render texture (fbo)
193          alias prlDisableRenderTexture = void function(); // Disable render texture (fbo), return to default framebufferP
194          alias prlDeleteTextures = void function(uint id); // Delete OpenGL texture from GPU
195          alias prlDeleteRenderTextures = void function(RenderTexture2D target); // Delete render textures (fbo) from GPU
196          alias prlDeleteShader = void function(uint id); // Delete OpenGL shader program from GPU
197          alias prlDeleteVertexArrays = void function(uint id); // Unload vertex data (VAO) from GPU memory
198          alias prlDeleteBuffers = void function(uint id); // Unload vertex data (VBO) from GPU memory
199          alias prlUnproject = Vector3 function(Vector3 source, Matrix proj, Matrix view); // Get world coordinates from screen coordinates
200          alias prlLoadTextureDepth = uint function(int width, int height, int bits, bool useRenderBuffer); // Load depth texture/renderbuffer (to be attached to fbo)
201          alias prlUpdateTexture = void function(uint id, int width, int height, int format, const(void)* data); // Update GPU texture with new data
202          alias prlLoadRenderTexture = RenderTexture2D function(int width, int height, int format, int depthBits, bool useDepthTexture); // Load a render texture (with color and depth attachments)
203          alias prlRenderTextureAttach = void function(RenderTexture target, uint id, int attachType); // Attach texture/renderbuffer to an fbo
204          alias prlRenderTextureComplete = bool function(RenderTexture target); // Verify render texture is complete
205       }
207       __gshared {
208          prlEnableRenderTexture rlEnableRenderTexture;
209          prlDisableRenderTexture rlDisableRenderTexture;
210          prlDeleteTextures rlDeleteTextures;
211          prlDeleteRenderTextures rlDeleteRenderTextures;
212          prlDeleteShader rlDeleteShader;
213          prlDeleteVertexArrays rlDeleteVertexArrays;
214          prlDeleteBuffers rlDeleteBuffers;
215          prlUnproject rlUnproject;
216          prlLoadTextureDepth rlLoadTextureDepth;
217          prlUpdateTexture rlUpdateTexture;
218          prlLoadRenderTexture rlLoadRenderTexture;
219          prlRenderTextureAttach rlRenderTextureAttach;
220          prlRenderTextureComplete rlRenderTextureComplete;
221       }
222    }
223 }